Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Proof that the Law of Attraction works! Celebrity Testimonies

You can be whoever you want to be! 
You can accomplish whatever your heart desires!
You can go wherever you want! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Limiting Beliefs Keeps the Law of Attraction From Working For You

Lately I have been hearing a lot of people saying that they are giving up on the Law of Attraction (LOA). They are tired of hearing about it, tired of the thousands of websites, seminars and self improvement programs promising the moon and the stars with the LOA because it just does not seem to work for them.

The truth is, the Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working, it is Universal Law, but if you are not vibrating in the energetic vicinity of what you desire, you are not going to get it. When people are not getting what they want, they think the Law of Attraction does not work. But sorry, folks, there is no getting out of Universal Law. It is working; you are just not allowing it to work in your favor.

Another reason people don't want to hear about the Law of Attraction is because they don't want to be responsible for their own lives. They find it easier to blame others for everything that happens to them or blame some cruel God who punishes us for our sins.

I also think the recent turn from focus on the Law of Attraction by many whom have been teaching it for a long time now is that the LOA just IS. It's like gravity, and we don't talk about gravity all day long trying to figure out how to use it to our advantage in our lives. We don't go around trying to "invoke" gravity. We just KNOW it IS and act accordingly. Why keep talking about it and trying to get it to work for us? It already is working for us. People don't have to know anything about gravity to stay planted on the ground, nor do they need to know of or believe in the Law of Attraction to attract like energy. It's a given.

Before the term "Law of Attraction" became so popular, I learned it as the "Law of Love" or the "Law of Divine Orchestration". It is only in recent years that Law of Attraction has become the buzz phrase for this Universal Law.

There is no doubt that like energy and vibration attracts like energy and vibration; that is the proven scientific explanation. But spiritually, the explanation is that Divine Super Intelligence loves us unconditionally and wants to give us what we want. So to make it easy, and not overwhelming like Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty, Source let us be our own self sufficient creators, each of us holding the power that creates worlds within us. Why would we ever think/feel/vibrate anything that we don't want knowing that we are powerful creators who create our reality with our thoughts/feelings/vibration? Like duh!!! But there is a reason why we hold ourselves back.
For me the focus has more shifted from concentrating on the Law of Attraction to focusing on the beliefs we have acquired during our lifetime, some of them outdated and limiting, and re-wiring those to match what we truly want. Our beliefs filter our perception of life, how we see ourselves and others. Our beliefs are there to protect us and keep us safe; we created them early on when we observed something and made a decision about it. Or maybe we heard someone say something like "You will never amount to anything", or "Don't eat that, you will get fat," or "You have to work hard to make money," and boom, a belief is born. Our forming brains soaked it up like a sponge and made it true for us. But what we thought we needed to keep us safe as children is no longer valid as adults, especially as we evolve and expand. We need to learn to adjust and amend and re-wire until our beliefs match our desires so that we get what we desire by Divine Universal Law.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out where you are vibrating on any given subject. Just look at your bank account, your relationships, your career. What you are getting is what you are vibrating. Every time. And if you are not getting what you want, you have beliefs that are keeping you where you are. Bust the limiting beliefs and you are free!

If you are saying positive affirmations, created a vision board, visualize and keep a lucky charm in your pocket but you are still not manifesting your desires, you have subconscious limiting beliefs that say "no you can't, no you aren't, it's not going to happen," that sabotage your positive actions. All the affirmations in the world are not going to work if your underlying core belief is that you are not worthy of your dreams.

Why do we ever not follow our dreams? Why do we limit ourselves and justify and settle? Sometimes beliefs are so ingrained and so a part of who we are, we don't even realize they are there and that they are limiting us. But if you are not living the life of your dreams, you definitely have limiting beliefs holding you back from being the unlimited being that you truly are. Let's bust em up now!

There are many ways to bust your limiting beliefs:
It is helpful to first identify your limiting beliefs. One way to identify them is to become a conscious thinker. Become observant to your thoughts. Become present and in the moment to what you are thinking about. Notice and observe your thoughts instead of just letting them run on and on. Stop yourself and think about what you are thinking! The background running thoughts that we think without thinking are the subconscious mind running our core patterns and beliefs.

Our conscious mind says, "I am happy, wealthy and healthy, see I even wrote it one hundred times and cut out pictures about it!" And our subconscious mind says, "Oh, no, you're not, remember that time they told you that you are stupid and would never amount to anything?" And the subconscious dominate belief wins.

Become a conscious thinker and notice when your mind chatter is saying "I'm not good enough, I can never do that, I'll never have a lot of money." When you notice those thoughts, don't get upset with yourself. Just gently bring your thoughts to positive statements such as, "I am worthy, The Universe is loving and supports me, I am abundant in all ways." With time and repetition, you will start to believe them.

The key here is focus and repetition. Repetition rewires. You can literally rewire the neurons in your brain to create a new path that connects to new core beliefs. Dr. Joe Dispenza of What the Bleep? fame says it takes seventeen days to rewire the neurons in your brain to create new core beliefs and habits.

I love to use RAPs (Repetitive Audio Programs) for fast and efficient rewiring. RAPs are selected affirmations repeated over and over while you meditate or sleep. When you are in a theta brain wave state, your subconscious is open to receive new information without resistance, making for fast and easy reprogramming. I put on the mp3 before I go to sleep, and then all night the recorded statements are seeping into my subconscious, rewiring my beliefs while I dream. This is my kind of rewiring!

The only problem with repetitive programs is that some people don't stick with them. They do it for a few days or a week, declare it doesn't work and then go looking for the next speaker or seminar or book to give them the answer. The problem is, wherever you go, there your beliefs are.

People will also find that resistance can come up after a short while of using a repetitive program. As we are reprogramming our core beliefs, events or emotions come up that need to be released and it can become a bit uncomfortable, so we stop using them.

Be patient, give yourself a break, you have been running these patterns and beliefs for most of your life and the prize you get for releasing them and replacing them is well worth the effort. After all, it's your life!
Another very effective method for releasing limiting beliefs and old emotional baggage is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT uses the energy meridian points on your body, the same ones used for acupuncture. You simply tap on these points in order while going through a sequence of statements that relate to your issue. I have seen miraculous results using EFT and have added it to my coaching practice because it is so quick and easy. EFT is becoming more and more popular as people discover its powerful and rapid belief release abilities.

While I have not yet explored it myself, I have heard great things from people I highly respect about using the Sedona Method for releasing limiting beliefs, so I mention it here.

Hypnotherapy is also great for easily getting to your core beliefs and replacing them with new ones. You can visit a qualified hypnotherapist or even find a self hypnosis program that will guide you into a relaxed theta state and then feed you some new beliefs to hang onto.

Do some research and follow your inner guidance and intuition to find which method will work best for you. It might be one or a combination of them. YOU will know what is best for you. Trust your guidance and what calls to you.

All these methods are great for helping you to release limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, however they are in addition to, and do not take the place of, becoming, right NOW, the person you want to be. Step right into who you really are, your true authentic self. Limitless. Free. Joyful. Abundant. Loving. Be happy now, appreciate what you have now, start to live out your dreams now!

How would you feel if you were living your dreams right now? What would you do? How would you walk, talk, be? Stop seeking and start BEING. Be it NOW, and be it consistently, and watch your limiting beliefs fall away fast! Talk about instant vibrational alignment!

Surround yourself with people who support you in your new beliefs. Get a life coach who will guide you into your dreams and be your cheerleader. Join or form a master mind group where you all support and hold each other in the vision of who you really are. Join positive groups that are aligned with your vision. There is big power in numbers. Take constant inspired action steps towards your dreams. Let go of blame, anger, old emotions and baggage that no longer serve you. Follow your heart and intuition. Take time each and every day for your enlightenment and expansion and health. Overcome the limiting beliefs that bind you and set yourself free!

When you align your core beliefs with your desires, there will be no stopping you. Like gravity, you will not have to think about the Law of Attraction working ever again. You will be too busy living your dreams!

Article Source:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

How To Remove Roadblocks to Your Law Of Attraction Success


How to remove the roadblocks that may be preventing you from having success with the LOA...

This post appeared on Ezine Articles
Are you feeling frustrated and like not having much success with the Law of Attraction? Do you have desires you haven't been able to manifest, even though you're applying the LOA processes and visualisations? If you are not in the flow with manifesting what you want, there are some roadblocks to be cleared out of your path. The good news is that once you are aware of what's in the way, you can easily remove it.

Some examples of a roadblock and how to remove it...

Focusing on the negative.

There are two poles or opposites of everything. This is the Law of Polarity. Some examples would be lack and abundance of money, good or bad in a person etc., right? Which extreme do you tend to focus on? If there's an area in your life where you cannot seem to shift your focus on the positive part, take your focus off it completely. Once you stop feeding anything with the negative outlook it has to either improve or leave your experience.

Holding grudges.

Is there someone or something in your life you resent? While it is important to process ALL emotions, holding onto negative emotion will rob you of the positive energy that is at the core of creation, and you. You have to do the inner work in order to have successes with the LOA. See how you can forgive others, yourself, and practice unconditional love. Loving no matter what (not to be confused with being a door mat for others to step on), will realign you with the love that is your true nature and the most powerful force in the Universe.

Not nurturing your body.

It is important to give your body what it needs, as everything you put in or do with it will affect your energy, and it's all about energy. What's one thing you could do today to feel better in and about your body? Find whatever works for you and commit to it! Have someone hold you accountable, a friend or coach will do it.


Both in your mind and your environment will affect your focus and energy field. Take a look at your surroundings/your inner dialogue and see if you can release that which does't serve you, so that what will serve you can flow in.


There's so much going on in the world that it's not a surprise that you may not feel in the creative control over your life sometimes. Beside technology, you are bombarded with all kinds of stuff happening all around you and with everyone in your life. It is crucial to have some silent time and reconnect with your core.

So, how can you deliberately work with these roadblocks to remove them, perhaps for good? Share your thoughts below, I would love to hear about your LOA success...

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

The 3 Secret Keys to Mastering the Law of Attraction

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Perhaps you have tried in vain to make the law of attraction work for you before. Maybe you have followed all the rules you were given yet still received little evidence that the law of attraction works. Well now it's time to apply three simple keys for getting everything you ever wanted through the law of attraction!

Most souls who try to use the law of attraction to achieve their goals in life, unfortunately fail. They strive for what they want by following law of attraction instructions led out by people who cannot use the law themselves. If you wish to achieve great things then you should know what the Law of Attraction Masters have always known - you must Be, then Do before you can Have! Let me explain.

One of the biggest problems people find when they try to use the Law of Attraction for the first time is resistance from the outside world. It would appear that no matter how hard they try the world just pushes against them and denies them their dreams. It looks as though it doesn't matter what they do, for the harder they strive for what they want and push against the world the harder the world pushes back. They then fall into the trap of blaming the world for their woes or even blaming God. This is a disastrous mindset to have if you wish to successfully and consciously employ the Law of Attraction to your advantage.

In order to achieve your dreams and desires the first key of the law of attraction must be turned. You must Be what desire! This means if you want to achieve a million dollars through the law of attraction you must first become a millionaire in your own consciousness!

The Law of Attraction can bring you anything and everything you want. In fact, anything you can hold in mind can be yours if you follow the rules of the law of attraction properly.

Although it is common to want to change your environment or other people this is the wrong approach to the law of attraction. The first key states that you must first Be what you want. This means you cannot change anyone or anything but yourself!
Photo source;

Create a vision of what you want as though it were already yours. Convince yourself that you are the type of person who deserves to have it. Start to feel like you already have it by imagining you have it! Focus on the things you want. Never try to change things that you do not like. By trying to change the environment on other people you are thinking about what you do not want and the law of attraction will bring you more of it!

When you permit the world and other people to be exactly as they are you stay focused in the moment and this is always where your power is. You cannot change anything with the law of attraction but yourself, When you change yourself things around you begin to change. This is the only power you have but it is unlimited! Through the law of attraction you will find yourself in different situations, around different people or being reacted to differently by the same people because YOU have changed!

Can you see how being grateful for things in your life can activate the law of attraction in your favour?

Identify the things in life that you truly want. Once you have identified what it is that you want think of those things often. Visualize yourself in possession of them already. This is you becoming at one with your desire. This is how you Be your desire. When you Be your desire you automatically start the law of attraction process to bring it to you. This is the first key to the law of attraction.

Although the first key is vitally important in your law of attraction work it is only one of three! The second key is just as important. You must be willing to take some form of action to help you get what you want. Once you take steps, no matter how small, to get what you want you will reinforce the power behind the law of attraction, Action is vital!

The last and third key of the law of attraction is allowing yourself to Have what you want. Although this seems straight forward many people have a hard time accepting the very things they are seeking. Let the law of attraction bring you the things you want. Prepare yourself for their arrival and feel deserving of them when they arrive.

Here is a quick reference to the 3 Law of Attraction keys - 
1. Be what you want then; 
2. Do what you need to do to get it before you can; 
3. Have what it is you want, by allowing it into your experience!

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Friday, August 15, 2014

How Law Of Attraction Really Works And How To Use It

Law of Vibration - The Key To Understanding The Law of Attraction

Of all the universal laws, the law of attraction is both the most fascinating and the most misunderstood. Fascinating, because as humans we naturally want a tool to help create the life of our dreams, and the law of attraction can certainly help us to do that. Misunderstood because, unlike a tool that we can pull out and use now and again but is otherwise inactive, the law of attraction is operating in our lives constantly and independently, whether we are consciously aware of it, or believe in it, or not.

In other words, there is no need to engage the law of attraction, it is already at work in your life and always will be. So long as you are alive and breathing, the law of attraction is at work. This is great news! You are already using the law of attraction to create everything in your life whether you realise it or not. The results that you are experiencing: your career, finances, relationships, health, home, community, and so on, are a direct result of the law of attraction and your interaction with it in the form of thoughts and feelings.

If you're not creating the kind of life you want though, chances are you are creating by default, allowing the law of attraction to bring you more and more of the same. Unfortunately, we weren't handed a life manual at birth and, for many of us, our parents were not aware of the law of attraction and so did not teach us. At Attract Like Magic we are dedicated to helping you understand this powerful universal law and how you can begin to use the law of attraction to consciously create the life of your dreams. On the Attract Like Magic site, and in upcoming newsletters and articles, we will explore everything to do with the law of attraction and provide tools that will help you to harness its power.

But in order to really understand the law of attraction, you first need to understand another of the universal laws, the law of vibration.

Law of Vibration

According to the law of vibration everything is made of energy and has a distinct frequency or vibration. With the advent of powerful enough technology, science now agrees. Quantum physicists have shown that, although matter may appear to be solid, when you look at it through a high-powered microscope so that it is broken down into its smallest components: molecules, atoms, neutrons, electrons and quanta (the smallest particles measurable), it is ultimately mostly empty space interspersed with energy.

In other words, at the quantum level, everything is comprised of energy and empty space and what makes you, your home, your car, the chair you're sitting in, seem solid is the frequency of the vibration of the energy that makes it up.

Not only does your body and all that you consider to be "you" have a distinct and unique vibration (or more correctly a mix of vibrations), but your creations, in the form of thoughts, also have distinct vibrations which affect or blend with your overall vibration.

In turn, your vibrations affect everything around you - your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly 'empty' space and they, in turn, affect you. That's why, when you walk into a room where there was an earlier argument, you can sense it. We even use terms like "bad vibes", "you can feel the tension", and "you could cut the air in here with a knife" to describe it. In each case what we are referring to is the energy imprint of the earlier occupants.

Similarly, you may have gone to someone's home, office or business where, as soon as you entered, you felt the "good vibes" that filled the place. That's because, over time, a place becomes imbued with the energy imprints of the dominant vibrations of the people who live or work there. So a home, for example, can literally become filled with love or tension or anger or sadness or any other emotion, and that home will feel that way to a visitor even if none of the regular occupants are at home at the time. If you've ever entered such a place you may even have noticed how you just relaxed and felt good in response to the "good vibes" around you. Of course, the extent to which you take on the vibrations of the people and things around you is up to you - but for most people, this is not a conscious decision.

So, you are giving off vibrations every second of every day. You are also simultaneously receiving and translating the vibrations of everything and everyone around you. If we use the analogy of television, you are both a television transmitter, beaming out your own unique station, and also a television set or receiver, able to tune in to all the stations or frequencies being broadcast around you. Sometimes we refer to these incoming vibrations as intuition or "gut feelings".

So how do you know what your vibration is at any moment?

Simple - ask yourself how you are feeling.

Your emotions are a quick and handy guide to your vibration in any moment. If you feel loving, you are vibrating at the frequency of love; if you feel angry, you are vibrating at the frequency of anger; if you feel curious, you are vibrating at the frequency of curiosity, and those vibrations are received by everything and everyone around you. You are also, through the law of attraction, bringing to you more experiences that will match this vibration so when you feel angry the law of attraction will bring to you more experiences that will elicit the feeling of anger, you will attract angry people and find yourself in the middle of angry situations.

Have you ever had a day where you felt lousy, but tried to pretend that everything was OK to family, friends or co-workers? It doesn't work does it? Your friends, family or co-workers know straight away that you are not how you are pretending to be. They may ask if something is wrong, or comment that you don't seem to be your normal self. They pick up on the incongruence between what you are saying and your vibration. Because we are not used to explaining in terms of vibrations, they may attribute their knowing to something more mundane like tone of voice or body language, but even people without the full use of their senses can detect this type of incongruence.

To sum up, you are sending out vibrations every moment of every day. Those vibrations are a mix of your thoughts and feelings and they affect everything around you. At the same time you are also receiving and translating the vibrations of everything around you (which can, in turn, affect your vibration by how you react to them). Now that we understand vibration, let's look at how it interacts with the law of attraction.
Law of Attraction

The law of attraction, simply put, means energy attracts like energy. You may also have heard it expressed as "like attracts like", "that which is like unto itself is drawn" and even "thoughts become things".

The law of attraction is at work in your life every minute of every day. Your vibrations are constantly being broadcast to, and received, by the universe. This activates the law of attraction which then matches your vibrations and attracts to you similar vibrations in the form of people, things and situations in your life. In other words you are always creating your life through your thoughts and feelings. The conditions in your life, whether they are what you want or not, are always a match to your dominant vibrations.

The law of attraction, like all the universal laws, operates whether you are aware of it or not, or believe it or not. The often-used terms "what you focus on grows", "careful what you wish for (cause you just might get it)", "birds of a feather flock together" and "you can't get enough of what you don't want" are all examples of ways that we describe the law of attraction in action.

So, the question becomes - if your life is not how you would wish it to be, how do you change it? And the answer most often given by law of attraction and personal development teachers is a simple one - change your thoughts.

Simple - yes, but not easy. Here's why.

Somewhere between 94 - 98% of all thoughts are subconscious, that is, below or out of conscious awareness which means that only 2 - 6% of your thoughts are ever conscious. So, even if you managed to change all of your conscious thoughts to be positive, that still leaves an awful lot of subconscious thought, at least some of which would be negative, vibrating away in the background without you even being aware of it! If you're having trouble creating what you want in life, chances are your subconscious mind is at fault.

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