Saturday, September 13, 2014

5 Tips To Living Your Dreams

So, you want to be a successful marketer, first let me applaud you on your decision. The lifestyle afforded to those who learn to master a few simple concepts, can be more rewarding than you may realize at this point. First, know that we all struggle with ourselves and until we re-train our brains this will continue, like on a merry-go-round.But once you learn to teach your brain to believe what you tell it, your wishful thinking will turn into your reality. Here are five things you can do to start off in the right direction to living your dreams.

1) First, you need to make the decision that you are a leader. That's right, you do not learn to be a leader you decide that's what you are, then your brain opens up like a sponge and is ready to receive the knowledge required to fill the space you created for it.

2) Next, you must wrap yourself around the fact that you are not average, just the fact you are driven to do and be more validates that in your brain, once you believe this, you become the 3% of people who are action takers, the above average. You see, 97% of people fail in the home business or entrepreneurial world because they are content with watching instead of stepping out their comfort zone, therefore they remain average. Relax, society and cultural norms condition us for accepting mediocrity.

3) The next thing you must do is the work. I know you've heard that before and I get it...I do. But most people hear things so much that they either think of it has hokey and cliche or they they have not accepted the position they wish to hold, that of being a leader. If this is you, don't worry, it's not your fault. This is a survival mechanism inside your head that says whoa, by stepping out I open myself up to possible failure so I better just not do it at all.

That is where re-training your brain comes into play. Allow me to explain further. If you tell yourself that tomorrow, i am going to the gym and you don't your brain says okay. The next day you say, I'm going to the gym, but again you don't, your brain starts to doubt you. By the third day, your brain realizes you are lying to yourself and does not believe you. You have created a pattern and this must stop. So quit lying to yourself and do the work, hold yourself accountable to you.

4) Work, harder, longer and smarter than those around you. It is imperative that you invest in yourself, put in the effort to improve you. I am talking about, your skill level, your thought patterms, your physical condition. The rate of attrition in this industry is staggering and if you do not pursue a higher standard for yourself, how can you expect others to hold you in high standing in their lives.

5) Make your "self" attractive, more than on the outside, that is cultural garbage, you are unique, you are special and in order to be seen, you must be attractive to others. Consider this, you are all over social media putting up links to your company provided website, touting how great xyz product is and how fabulous the comp plan is, you do this religiously and wonder why you are not getting the results you seek. The answer is easy, you are invisible, you are blending in with average marketers who are pushing prospects away, you need to be pulling or attracting people to you. You do this by giving value, the more the better.

So, how do you become attractive, step out and introduce yourself to the world, craft your story, learn and master a medium that will allow you to stand above the noise and be recognized, provide value in your content, you get the drift. There are so many distractions and so much marketing in our daily lives that if you do not stand out you are invisible. Become visible, be yourself and attract those who are looking for you and you will find yourself living your dreams.

This post appeared on Self Growth

1 comment:

  1. Always keep in thoughts that depression is not really part of Personal Development Plan . It is something that afflicts your being. You have to persevere and seek the very best help, and always consider this too shall pass. Identify your depression, but you should always be not associating the undeniable fact that you are your depressive disorder. You have gave the depth sight in your own article on the law of attraction and self-improvement. Many thanks!!
